At first glance example sentence

At first glance the deal looked wonderful, but after reading the fine print he wasnt so sure. Could you make this english sentence sound better for native speakers. He had a round face that, at first glance, made him look boyish, though closer inspection revealed a man in early middle age. Tokens are the basic elements of the language, such as words, numbers, and chemical elements. At first glance, the equipment installation seems to have been successful or at first glance, the equipment seems to have been installed successfully. There is, at first glance, an abyss between saying that one has had an experience of god and trusting that one can experience god in ones life.

What do you get when you cross the marvel universe and a dictionary. The first of the charts opened, the deacon saw at a glance, was that of the antarctic circle it required but a visit to the bell buoy, to see at a glance the destructive effects of the storm on the unfortunate ships he took in the situation at a glance and dismissed bobadilla almost with contempt. Definition of at first glance in the idioms dictionary. First definition for englishlanguage learners from. What is the difference between at first sight and at. By explaining how the separate parts of the sentence are related, commas fulfill a crucial function for the reader. Examples from classical literature i make use of a material which, at first glance, may be confused with psychometric material. Example sentences with at first glance, translation memory. A sentence starter adds unexpected rigor to writing we wrapped up two days of workshops on ratio on friday. In the middle of the queens throne was a low stone box she mistook at first glance to be the worlds most uncomfortable lumbar support. Ratio is the principle that its not whether the teacher gets a mental workout, but whether students do. View american english definition of at first sight glance.

This is the british english definition of at first sight glance. Definition of glance written for english language learners from the merriamwebster learners dictionary with audio pronunciations, usage examples, and countnoncount noun labels. Definition and synonyms of at first sight glance from the online english dictionary from macmillan education. Glance definition is to take a quick look at something. Change your default dictionary to american english. Glance definition for englishlanguage learners from. Verb glancing down, she noticed her shoe was untied. Can our brains really read jumbled words as long as the. These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Many times, the format is foreign, and assistance is needed to take that next step with sentence structure. Real sentences showing how to use at first glance correctly. Formal languages tend to have strict rules about syntax.

Example sentences with love at first glance, translation memory. Zindell, david the broken god 1993 there is, at first glance, much about this book to cause unease. Its much easier to decipher aoccdrnig and mttaer than adcinorcg and metatr, for example there is evidence to suggest that ascending and descending elements play a role, too that what were recognising is the shape of a word. At first glance, it resembles more the european north of russia the arkhangelsk r. The page not only provides urdu meaning of at first glance but also gives extensive definition in english language. It was clear at first glance that they had not died of their wounds. H 2 o is a syntactically correct chemical name, but 2 zz is not syntax rules come in two flavors, pertaining to tokens and structure. Yes, it was at first glance quaint and seemingly out of time, but it was also monumentally impressive and alive. The steady improvement in records of all sporting events may. It may seem intuitive at first glance, this idea that somehow there are only so many jobs and if you replace people with machines. You can also find multiple synonyms or similar words of at first glance. I almost always see it with a comma, but every now and then i dont. At first glance urdu meaning with definition and sentences. In the first ten years of attempting to make better hybrids, borlaugs group made more than six thousand crossings of wheat.

Identifying the subject of a sentence create an iso of an aws ec2 server. English test 1 perseverance and focusing on an objective. Examples of at first glance in english spanishdict. At first sight glance phrase definition and synonyms. Here are 66 fantastic examples of sentences with at a glance.

While this might seem strange at first glance, the following examples of reflexive pronouns and the accompanying list of reflexive. If you wanted to say a sentance that you said in an example, it would be. These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content. First i saw you, then i saw mary at first glance is a complicated term, so it isnt used much in daytoday language. Start studying english test 1 perseverance and focusing on an objective. Definition of in the first place in the idioms dictionary. Sentence examples for at first glance from inspiring english sources. At first glance definition and meaning collins english. I understand its a list of traits that could be noticed upon looking or first meeting the person, but is it all strictly physical. In english grammar, a reflexive pronoun indicates that the person who is realizing the action of the verb is also the recipient of the action. English at first glance, the english meaning is not at all the same as the french. Bhunkhu puhal meets the kahauli bhotli sunhi by chance, and they fall in love at first glance.

She dressed youthfully, with a fresh eye for colors that at first glance seemed to clash. At first glance, i thought or at first glance i thought. The first time i looked at it at first glance i thought it was this, but it actually was this. Hey all just have a quick question about this trp3 feature and how people use it. At first glance meaning of at first glance by lexico. Prima facie dictionary definition prima facie defined. At first glance definition in the cambridge english dictionary.

This sentence is not a translation of the original sentence. More example sentences as would be expected, however, there is much more going on within the picture than is apparent at first glance. For example, why didnt you tell me in the first place that youve decided to leave. At first glance definition in the cambridge english.

Then he began with the first word on the first page and read the first story aloud without making one mistake. Prepositional phrase, adverbial phrase, or other phrase or expressionfor example, behind the times, on your own. The definition of prima facie refers to the way something looks on its face, or at first glance. Examples of at first glance in a sentence at first glance. Define at first sight glance phrase and get synonyms. How to use at first glance in a sentence wordhippo. The definition of at first glance is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it. Commas clarify parts of phrases and sentences that might otherwise be difficult to understand.

At first meaning in the cambridge english dictionary. This is why mixedcase text, such as alternating caps, is so difficult to read it radically changes the shape of a. Our words are very important, especially when it comes to creating strong, thoughtful papers. Synonyms for at first glance at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. At first glance definition and meaning collins english dictionary. Given that three of the first five home all raced close to the pace, that was probably a better effort from double star than it appeared at first glance. Sentence templates blinn college bryan writing center fall 2016. I was walking from the opposite direction so everything looked backwards at first glance. Meaning and examples for at first glance in spanishenglish dictionary. They are common, have many rules for use, and play an essential role in writing. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. He gave only a glance up the path to the mine before returning to his jeep.

It looked very tough at first glance but when i worked out what they were looking for, i settled down. Comma use cstw center for the study and teaching of. Common you say at first glance when you are describing your first opinion of someone or something, especially when this opinion is wrong or incomplete. If you say that something is true or seems to be true at first glance, you mean that it.